Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's no secret that I am an Obama supporter, but I've never seen a candidate get his ass kissed by the mainstream media as much as Obama has. It only lends credibility to the notion, claimed by the ridiculously right-winged news operation known as Fox as well as other conservatives, that the mainstream media has a liberal bias. Add to the fact that Oprah refuses to have Palin on her show; everyone makes fun of McCain/Palin, but has handled Obama with kid gloves; the entertainment world's obsession with Obama...and you have what I would call a classic case of elitism. Regardless of who wins, I am sick of this campaign. I'm ready for it to be done with.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Amid the presidential debates, I keep hearing over and over again about the necessity of protecting Israel from Iran because Iran's president - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - said that Israel should be "wiped off the map."
Israel is about the size of New Jersey and within Israel is Palestine. Palestinians are the most sympathized group of individuals within the Arab world. If Iran were to lob a nuke at Israel, it would most certainly wipe out Palestine as well, and no matter how much hatred the leaders of Iran have for Israel, they simply would NEVER entertain the thought of wiping out Palestine.
Secondly, Israel already has "the bomb" and I'm quite certain that Iran is fully aware that they would be "wiped off the map" as well, in retaliation. It's a lose/lose situation for Iran.
If Bin-Ladin, himself, had nukes, I seriously doubt that he would lob them at Israel because of Palestine. If anything, the United States should open up diplomatic relations with Iran because Iran and Al-Qaida hate one another. Strategically, it would benefit us. The common misconception, unfortunately, is that Muslims are united in their support for Bin-Ladin and other such terrorists. Nothing could be further from the truth. Is it too much to ask of politicians to make an attempt to study the various cultures of the world before they decide to make policies that affect us all?
Israel is about the size of New Jersey and within Israel is Palestine. Palestinians are the most sympathized group of individuals within the Arab world. If Iran were to lob a nuke at Israel, it would most certainly wipe out Palestine as well, and no matter how much hatred the leaders of Iran have for Israel, they simply would NEVER entertain the thought of wiping out Palestine.
Secondly, Israel already has "the bomb" and I'm quite certain that Iran is fully aware that they would be "wiped off the map" as well, in retaliation. It's a lose/lose situation for Iran.
If Bin-Ladin, himself, had nukes, I seriously doubt that he would lob them at Israel because of Palestine. If anything, the United States should open up diplomatic relations with Iran because Iran and Al-Qaida hate one another. Strategically, it would benefit us. The common misconception, unfortunately, is that Muslims are united in their support for Bin-Ladin and other such terrorists. Nothing could be further from the truth. Is it too much to ask of politicians to make an attempt to study the various cultures of the world before they decide to make policies that affect us all?
Monday, October 6, 2008
This Saturday night, I will see for the first time, Wayne Coyne's(lead singer of the Flaming Lips) movie - Christmas On Mars. I have been waiting for this movie FOREVER. It was supposed to be released last year and the year before and so on and so on. If you are not familiar with the Flaming Lips' music, let me just say that Wayne Coyne is the closest thing to being a rock star without actually being well known...he will be in attendance at the screening at the Alamo Drafthouse and I am absolutely stoked...
This past weekend, I saw Bill Maher's Religulous which I thought was pretty terrible and I'm an atheist. Do you really need to be condescending when trying to make a point?? If people are Christian than so be it. I don't care. I disagree with many things regarding Christianity...yet all Bill Maher can do is point out how smart he is and how stupid everyone else is because they believe in a higher power?? You can't enlighten people by being an asshole, Bill.
OJ. Stop being so obsessed with OJ. JESUS CHRIST. It bothers me more that child molesters are allowed back into society to live in neighborhoods where children play. OJ??? I could give a shit about him. What absolutely baffles me about OJ is that he was convicted of KIDNAPPING charges.
kidnap |ˈkidˌnap|
verb ( -napped , -napping ; also -naped, -naping) [ trans. ]
take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom.
OJ DID NOT KIDNAP ANYONE. What's going on here?
Lastly, if we passed a bill to bail out the economy, which I might add, cost taxpayers 7 billion dollars, why did the Dow drop below 10,000 for the first time in four years?? I thought this bill was supposed to stabilize the economy.
This past weekend, I saw Bill Maher's Religulous which I thought was pretty terrible and I'm an atheist. Do you really need to be condescending when trying to make a point?? If people are Christian than so be it. I don't care. I disagree with many things regarding Christianity...yet all Bill Maher can do is point out how smart he is and how stupid everyone else is because they believe in a higher power?? You can't enlighten people by being an asshole, Bill.
OJ. Stop being so obsessed with OJ. JESUS CHRIST. It bothers me more that child molesters are allowed back into society to live in neighborhoods where children play. OJ??? I could give a shit about him. What absolutely baffles me about OJ is that he was convicted of KIDNAPPING charges.
kidnap |ˈkidˌnap|
verb ( -napped , -napping ; also -naped, -naping) [ trans. ]
take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom.
OJ DID NOT KIDNAP ANYONE. What's going on here?
Lastly, if we passed a bill to bail out the economy, which I might add, cost taxpayers 7 billion dollars, why did the Dow drop below 10,000 for the first time in four years?? I thought this bill was supposed to stabilize the economy.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Authenticity Matters
When you are young, "authority" and the "establishment" are vile words reserved for those who reside in a different age bracket and many of us vow - no matter how old we get - to never end up in that mindset. The sad reality, however, is that we in the industrialized world are participants in the very "machine" that we rage against. This "machine" can't run without consumers and we are all, for the most part, major consumers. It is a symbiotic relationship that we can't escape which is why many of us long for the proverbial "exception to the rule" - that rare intellectual and/or creative soul who exists on the fringes of society.
Would 2Pac's music have been taken seriously had he grown up in the suburbs? I doubt it. Why? Because authenticity matters. Amy Winehouse's neo-soul classic - Back To Black - is not an amazing album solely based on her talent alone, though talented she is, but because of the self-destructive nature that coexists with her talent which screams authenticity. It's a double-edged sword that seems more and more likely to consume her with each passing day and rather than wish her well, we simply ask for more.
And why did this particular photo of Metallica lead singer, James Hetfield, coming out of Armani cause such an uproar?

Because twenty some odd years ago the people in Armani would have called the cops on him the second he walked through the door and Metallica's music, at the time, reflected that. However fair or unfair you may think that is to Mr. Hetfield, once again the issue boils down to one of authenticity.
Yet nothing stirs more debate in regards to authenticity than the strange bedfellows that are commerce and art. I assure you that there's not one admirer of the Sex Pistols who aren't cringing at Johnny Rotten's latest foray which premiered last night on the BBC...
And why shouldn't they? The lead singer of the Sex Pistols - a band that sent shockwaves across England and thumbed it's nose at the "establishment" - is now a spokesperson for butter?? Very few people in this world can build a legacy similar to that of the Sex Pistols and yet he's managed to destroy it with a thirty second spot. Johnny Rotten's explanation?
This can only be translated one way - he wanted the money. Just say so. Why do artists often backpedal when called out for taking the almighty advertising dollar? Because they know that authenticity matters.
Would 2Pac's music have been taken seriously had he grown up in the suburbs? I doubt it. Why? Because authenticity matters. Amy Winehouse's neo-soul classic - Back To Black - is not an amazing album solely based on her talent alone, though talented she is, but because of the self-destructive nature that coexists with her talent which screams authenticity. It's a double-edged sword that seems more and more likely to consume her with each passing day and rather than wish her well, we simply ask for more.
And why did this particular photo of Metallica lead singer, James Hetfield, coming out of Armani cause such an uproar?

Because twenty some odd years ago the people in Armani would have called the cops on him the second he walked through the door and Metallica's music, at the time, reflected that. However fair or unfair you may think that is to Mr. Hetfield, once again the issue boils down to one of authenticity.
Yet nothing stirs more debate in regards to authenticity than the strange bedfellows that are commerce and art. I assure you that there's not one admirer of the Sex Pistols who aren't cringing at Johnny Rotten's latest foray which premiered last night on the BBC...
And why shouldn't they? The lead singer of the Sex Pistols - a band that sent shockwaves across England and thumbed it's nose at the "establishment" - is now a spokesperson for butter?? Very few people in this world can build a legacy similar to that of the Sex Pistols and yet he's managed to destroy it with a thirty second spot. Johnny Rotten's explanation?
I for one am proud to be British and I'm proud to get behind a proper British brand. That's why I'm supporting Country Life butter. People know I only do things that I want to or that I believe in and I have to do it in my own way. I've never done anything like this before and never thought I would but this Country Life ad was made for me and I couldn't resist the opportunity.
This can only be translated one way - he wanted the money. Just say so. Why do artists often backpedal when called out for taking the almighty advertising dollar? Because they know that authenticity matters.
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