Problem No. 1 - Ticketmaster:
On February 2, Bruce Springsteen fans got on Ticketmaster's website to buy tickets to see "The Boss" and were told, as usual, that the show was sold out, to which they were then directed to Live Nation(the company that Ticketmaster is merging with) only to find that tickets were now available, but at a much higher price. Scandalous. Ticketmaster has been screwing people for years by charging outrageous additional fees on top of the face value of the ticket. This pissed Springsteen off and even drew fire from Congress so much so that Ticketmaster apologized and said that there was a "glitch" in the system. Right. I hate Ticketmaster. I always have.
Problem No. 2 - Ticketbrokers:
Springsteen is coming to Austin. He is one of a handful of artists that I have been wanting to see for quite some time now. Tickets went on sale last Saturday at 10am. I was unable to buy them at that time, so I got a friend of mine to do it for me. He logged on at 9:50 and by the time he was able to get tickets, we were at the very top row of the Frank Erwin Center. Why? Ticketbrokers. I hate them more than Ticketmaster. They equip several of their employees with credit cards and tell them to buy the maximum number of tickets allowed and then they scalp those tickets at a higher price which is why we don't have better seats. On, for example, a floor ticket to the concert in Austin is going for $510.00. How these companies are able to operate legally is beyond me.
Problem No. 3 - Springsteen:
Bruce, you are outraged by the gouging ways of Ticketmaster and, yet, you - the artist who writes amazing songs about the working class and downtrodden - charge a hundred bucks to sit in the top row of your show? You've already sold millions of records. Would it kill you to lower ticket prices? REGARDLESS, I'm pretty excited to see "The Boss" and I find that most people who say they aren't a fan haven't really listened to his records.
Bruce Springsteen - Atlantic City (Official Music Video) - Watch a funny movie here
They all do it...charge stupid ticket prices. It sucks.
But the ticket brokers really piss me off. They should set limits and stick to them. With technology today, don't tell me there isn't a way.
I have yet to see Coraline because of this fucking job. Yep, someone called in again so I get to work all night. Not sure who is going to work my shift tomorrow, but fuck him (my boss) if he thinks I am working another double!
But I'm so used to seeing shows that are confined to small places and cost less than $15. I want the government to shut the ticketbroker racket down. That's my dream.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get to see Coraline today.
Guess what I'm watching?
I'll give you a hint....
"you went to law school at Costco?"
Funny, but sad....
didn't see Coraline today...maybe tuesday or wednesday
YES! Idiocracy is sadly funny. I'm glad you watched it.
I actually watched Idiocracy on youtube first....but when I saw it was on I had to watch again!
Hopefully TOMORROW I will go see Coraline....maybe I will be like an old lady and go in the middle of the day...wait, I better make sure that the little bastards are in school first....
So I went to the movies tonight....not to see Coraline.
Instead, "He's Just Not That Into You".
What a hot mess.
(Not my choice...)
So, maybe Friday....
Blogger ate my comment.
Anyway, basically what I said is "chick flick" does not have to equal total crap.
I am working the overnight shift tomorrow, so I will hopefully be going to see Coraline. I need to get this (movie) bad taste out of my mouth!
Anyway, basically what I said is "chick flick" does not have to equal total crap.
Agreed...just 98% of them. ;)
Well, I obv wouldn't recommend a chick flick for an intellectual evening....
There was one good part though....a preview for the new Harry Potter movie, I love those.
That might make me a dork, i don't care.
Oh, and Fuck Twilight. HARD.
Don't tell me you haven't heard of Twilight and its fangirls, and fansoccermoms.
People compare it to Harry Potter, which is why I said that.
Everyone loves Twilight. Thinks that guy is sooooo hot.
Um, NO. He is a greasy looking bastard.
I heard that Coraline in 3D is ending this weekend. I need to GO.
Hopefully tomorrow, I was too wiped out today.
I am out of the loop regarding Twilight. haha. I'll have to check it out on youtube.
No more Coraline?? You better go see it.
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